
Trading Hut Trumpington Allotment Society, Foster Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom

We will trim the allotments boundary hedge. All members are encouraged to help with collecting up the prunings, clearing litter and keeping the cycleway safe while we work. This work is scheduled ahead of the bird nesting season.

Hedgecutting work party

Please come to help with this essential maintenance. We have hired a chipper for the day so it's "All hands on deck!" so we can get all the prunings cut, moved and processed. A free sack of chippings for all helpers! Please bring gloves and if you have them ear-defenders and safety masks/goggles.

Trading Hut open

Trading Hut Trumpington Allotment Society, Foster Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom

The Trading Hut will be open. Come and get your broad bean seeds, onions, garlic, and other garden supplies. This is also the final deadline for seed orders and rent payments.

Hedge cutting

Trading Hut Trumpington Allotment Society, Foster Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Hedgecutting work party We will trim the allotments boundary hedge. All members are encouraged to help with collecting up the prunings, clearing litter and keeping the cycleway safe while we work. This work is scheduled ahead of the bird nesting season.

Annual General Meeting 2020

Trumpington Pavilion Trumpington Pavilion, Paget Road, Trumpington, Cambridge, United Kingdom

All paid-up members should receive their meeting notice & agenda along with our Spring newsletter by 15th February. We send all this by email unless we don't have your email address, in which case we must post it to you. Please help us to reduce costs by providing your email address if you have one […]

Rent Day & Trading Hut autumn opening

Trading Hut Trumpington Allotment Society, Foster Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Come along to the Trading Hut to pay your rent and fees, and hand in your seed orders and payment. This is also an opportunity for members to buy seed garlic, onions, shallots and broad beans for sowing this autumn.

Hedge cutting

Trading Hut Trumpington Allotment Society, Foster Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Hedgecutting work party We will prune the allotments boundary hedge. All members are encouraged to help with collecting up the prunings, clearing litter and keeping the cycleway safe while we work. This work is scheduled after the bird nesting season.

CANCELLED Trumpington Seedy Sunday 2021

Trumpington Village Hall Trumpington Village Hall, High Street, Trumpington, Cambridge, United Kingdom

We have decided not to hold our 15th Seedy Sunday this year, because we do not have the resources to make the event Covid-safe. We hope to resume in 2022.
