The society was formed in 1947 to run the new allotments which had just been acquired by the Corporation of the City of Cambridge along with the land for the Foster Road/Paget Road/Byron Square estate. Trumpington Local History Group has researched the details of our early days.
Today we continue to manage the site in partnership with our landlord, Cambridge City Council, under the terms of this lease agreement. A volunteer committee of thirteen people is responsible for site management, membership administration, letting plots, inspecting plots and enforcing the tenancy agreement, stocking and running the Trading Hut, our seed schemes, finances, events, this website and so on. Other members join our work parties and help with events.
Currently (December 2022) we have 146 members including 51 associate (non-tenant) members. All local gardeners are invited to become associate members (£4/year). Associate membership gives you access to garden supplies at our Trading Hut, our annual seed schemes, and social events. Apply here.
We are incorporated as a mutual society under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965: Trumpington Allotment & Garden Society Ltd. Reg. No. 13184R.