Dear all,
The communal compost heaps are for all to use, but rules must be followed:

  1. No plastics or polystyrene. The compost heaps are not trash areas for your plastic and seed trays and bags. These items do not compost. Please recycle/dispose of at home, as appropriate.
  2. No potato and tomato material. Please put this in your green bin at home. This is to avoid the spread of late blight on our site.
  3. Polytunnel users: please do not put your spent compost on the heaps. Spread it around your outside plot instead.

Currently the only heap in use is the righthand one south of the polytunnel. Please don’t use the lefthand or middle ones.
If you have any questions about composting don’t hesitate to ask,

About the Author

Dave Fox

Dave Fox ()


2 Responses to “Communal compost heaps – rules of use”

  1. If you are one of the tunnel plot holders who does not have an outside plot, there are many of us who would I think be willing to take your spent compost to increase the organic matter content of our soil.

  2. It would be sensible not to compost diseased onion bulbs in case they have white rot as we don’t want this spread around the site.

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