Members' events
Annual General Meeting 2021
Trumpington Pavilion Trumpington Pavilion, Paget Road, Trumpington, Cambridge, United KingdomAll paid-up members should receive their meeting notice & agenda along with our Spring newsletter by 13th February. We send all this by email unless we do not have your email address, in which case we must post it to you. Please help us to reduce costs by providing your email address if you have […]
POSTPONED Trumpington Seedy Sunday 2022
We have decided not to hold Seedy Sunday this January, because we don't think it would be Covid-safe at the indoor venue. Instead, we intend to hold the event outside as part of our regular May Plant Swap at the Foster Road allotment site. That's on 15th May. Entry will be free. More info and […]
Seedy Sunday & May Plant Swap
Trading Hut Trumpington Allotment Society, Foster Road, Cambridge, United KingdomOur regular May plant swap is back this year incorporating Seedy Sunday. Not just plants, but seeds too!
June Plant Swap 2022
Trading Hut Trumpington Allotment Society, Foster Road, Cambridge, United KingdomOur regular June plant swap. We predict tomatoes...
Open Day – 75th anniversary
Trading Hut Trumpington Allotment Society, Foster Road, Cambridge, United KingdomCelebrate the 75th anniversary of the 1947 founding of the society and the opening of the Foster Road allotment site.
Rent Day & Trading Hut BBQ 2022
Trading Hut Trumpington Allotment Society, Foster Road, Cambridge, United KingdomPay your rent, hand in your seed order, buy seed for immediate planting, and meet committee members.
This is also an opportunity for members to buy seed
Hedge cutting 2022
Trading Hut Trumpington Allotment Society, Foster Road, Cambridge, United KingdomCome along to help with our annual hedge cut.